Sexual Abuse – 10 Examples of Sexual Abuse in a Relationship, and How to Handle Sexual Abuse.

Sexual Abuse in a Relationship

We often think of sexual abuse as something that only happens in a stranger-danger situation, but the truth is that it can occur in any relationship. 

Sexual abuse in a relationship is a severe issue, and it is not to be taken lightly. 

In fact, one of the main reasons why the first instinct of a lot of victims is to deny the abuse or stay quiet about it is because they know that people won’t take them seriously. 

This blog will give you a rundown of things to look out for and how to handle sexual abuse in your relationship.

What is Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abuse is any form of sexual violence, including rape, child molestation, incest, and less severe forms of sexual assault.

 Sexual Abuse can happen to men and women of any age, race, or religion. 

It is often perpetrated by someone known to the victim, such as a friend, family member, or intimate partner.

 There are many examples of sexual abuse in relationships. If your partner ever forces you to engage in sexual activity against your will, that is sexual Abuse. 

If they make you feel guilty or ashamed for not wanting to have sex, that is also sexual abuse. 

Other examples include:

  • Attempting to intimidate you into engaging in sexual activity.
  • They threaten to harm you if you do not engage in sexual activity with them.
  • Hurting you during sex.
  • Forcing you to engage in sexual activity without a condom.
  • Persuading you to have sex with other people.
  • Refusing to take no for an answer when you say you don’t want to have sex.
  • Pressuring you into anal or oral sex.
  • Secretly videotaping or photographing you during sex.
  • Viewing pornography in front of you without your consent.
  • Exposing their genitals to you against your will
  • Masturbating in front of you

10 Main Examples of Sexual Abuse in a Relationship.

Sexual abuse is unfortunately quite common, especially in an intimate relationship.

Here are the 10 examples of Sexual Abuse in a relationship. 

  1. Involving someone in sexual behavior against his or her will.
  2. Making someone do something sexually that they’re not comfortable with.
  3. Refusing to use contraception or pressuring someone into not using contraception.
  4. Coercing someone into being tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or getting pregnant against their will.
  5. Purposefully exposing someone to a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
  6. Making offensive comments or taunts about someone’s body or sex life.
  7. Spying on someone while they’re undressing or having sex without their consent.
  8. Viewing or sharing sexual images of someone without their consent.
  9. Physically assaulting someone during sex without their consent.
  10. Sexually abusing a child.

Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse You Must Look Out For.

There are many warning signs of sexual abuse in a relationship. 

If you are experiencing any of the following eight signs, then it is crucial to reach out for help as soon as possible:

  • If Your partner pressures or forces, you to engage in sexual activities that make you uncomfortable.
  • If Your partner frequently makes demeaning or derogatory comments about your body or appearance.
  • If Your partner threatens or hurts you during sex.
  • If Your partner exhibits extreme jealous behaviors or controls whom you can talk to or spend time with.
  • If Your partner isolate’s you from your friends or family members.
  • If Your partner withdraws money from your joint account without your permission or steals your credit card information to make unauthorized purchases.
  • If Your partner controls what you wear or how you style your hair.
  • If Your partner monitors your phone calls, texts, email, or social media accounts.

The Impact Of Sexual Abuse and Its Risk Factor.

Even though any form of sexual abuse can influence a victim, some victims of sexual abuse in a committed relationship experience distinct and more severe consequences.

They may feel like “damaged goods” or experience tremendous guilt and shame.

It is not uncommon for victims to develop coping techniques, such as emotional numbing or substance abuse, to assist them in managing their suffering.

Sexual abuse can have long-lasting impacts on a victim’s mental and physical health, relationships, and sense of self.

How To Get Help If You Are Being Sexually Abused.

If you are being sexually abused, know that it’s not your fault and that you’re not alone. Sexual abuse can affect individuals of any age, color, or gender.

It’s essential to get help if you’re being sexually abused. 

Here are some ways to get help:

 1. Discuss the situation with someone you can trust. This could be a close friend, relative, therapist, or counselor. Talking about what’s happening can help you feel better and figure out what to do next.

 2. Call a national helpline. If you do not feel comfortable speaking with a friend or family member, there are qualified counselors who can provide free assistance.

Reach out to The National Sexual Assault Hotline in your community. It is confidential, anonymous, and open 24/7.

 3. Seek medical attention. If you’ve been injured or need medical attention, go to the hospital, or see your doctor as soon as possible. 

They can also conduct a sexual assault forensic examination, often known as a rape kit, which can be used as evidence if you decide to report the abuse to the police. 

4. Get support from a local advocacy group. Free counseling and other forms of assistance are frequently provided by community programs for survivors of sexual abuse and assault.

Find an organization by searching online or calling the National Sexual Assault Hotline.

 5. File a police report. You have the right to file a police report regardless of when the abuse occurred or whether you want to press charges against your abuser. 

If applicable, this can help get a restraining order or file for child custody/support. 

Find out how to contact your local police department or sheriff’s office.

 You deserve to live free from violence and abuse—no one has the right to hurt you sexually or otherwise.

10 Tips on How to Prevent Sexual Abuse.

We have already established the fact that Sexual abuse can happen to anyone at any age, and that it is not limited to one gender or orientation.

 However, there are many ways to prevent sexual abuse in your relationship. 

The most important thing is to build a foundation of trust and open communication. 

Here are eight tips on how to handle these abuses.

 1. Educate yourself and your partner about sexual consent and respect for boundaries.

 2. Agree on what sexual activities are comfortable for you and stick to those boundaries.

 3. Respect each other’s right to say no to any sexual activities, at any time.

 4. Pay attention to your partner’s nonverbal cues and body language. If they seem uncomfortable or uninterested, stop the activity immediately.

 5. Never force your partner into doing anything they don’t want to do sexually.

 6. If you drink alcohol or use drugs, be aware that they can lower your inhibitions and make it more difficult to respect your partner’s boundaries. Use them responsibly or not at all when engaging in sexual activity.

 7. If you feel like you might lose control and become violent during sexual intercourse, get help from a therapist or counselor before things escalate further.

 8. Be attentive to your partner’s emotional state as well as their physical state during sex. If they seem withdrawn or distant, check in with them to make sure they’re still enjoying themselves.


Sexual Abuse is a topic that is not talked about enough and is sometimes difficult to define.

We hope that you took away some helpful information from this blog. 

It can be challenging to know what to do in a situation like this, so we wanted to give you some examples of sexual Abuse in a relationship and how to handle it. 

If you are a victim of rape or sexual abuse and need immediate assistance, you can always call 911.