Can In-Laws Ruin A Relationship?

Can In-Laws Ruin A Relationship

Family dynamics can be complicated, especially for in-laws. While many couples may find themselves struggling to establish boundaries with their partner’s parents, a recent study suggests that it may be worth the effort. 

Research has shown that marriages in which the wife has a close relationship with her in-laws have a 20% higher risk of divorce, while marriages in which the husband is close with his in-laws have a 20% lower probability of separation. 

So can in-laws truly ruin a relationship? Let’s delve deeper into the issue.

The impact of in-laws on a marriage

The between in-laws and a married couple can significantly impact their marriage. 

As we have mentioned earlier, research shows that wives who have a close relationship with their in-laws have a higher risk of divorce, while husbands who are close with their in-laws have a lower probability of separation. 

The differences in gender perspectives play a role, with wives interpreting their husband’s efforts to bond with their families as a sign of love. 

However, emotional boundaries are essential, and couples need to discuss their comfort levels with each other and set healthy boundaries with their in-laws. 

It’s also critical to make the marriage the primary relationship and avoid badmouthing your spouse to your in-laws. By taking these steps, married couples can significantly reduce the impact of in-laws on their relationship.

Importance of creating healthy boundaries

Creating healthy boundaries with in-laws is crucial for maintaining a strong marriage. Boundaries help to define what behaviors are acceptable and not acceptable in the relationship. They also create a sense of safety and security for both partners. 

In a study of 373 couples, it was found that wives with close relationships with their in-laws had a higher risk of divorce. On the other hand, husbands with close relationships with their in-laws had a lower probability of separation. 

This highlights the importance of creating healthy boundaries that work for both partners. Emotional boundaries are especially important, as they protect each individual’s emotional health. 

It’s important to communicate with your spouse about these boundaries and let them handle any issues with their own family members. 

It’s crucial to make your marriage the primary relationship and approach in-laws with a sense of respect and understanding. By creating these healthy boundaries, you can avoid unnecessary conflicts and build a strong foundation for your

Research Findings on In-Laws and Marriage

Study of 373 couples

Terri Orbuch, author of “Finding Love Again,” is a psychologist and research professor at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, he undertook a study of 373 newlywed couples, revealed that the relationship between in-laws could greatly impact a marriage. 

Couples having a tight relationship with the wife’s in-laws had a 20% greater chance of divorce. while couples Where the husband reported being close with his in-laws, the likelihood of separation was reduced by 20%.

This discrepancy in gender was explained by how men and women view relationships differently. 

The key to a successful marriage is to create healthy boundaries with in-laws and communication with spouses about comfort levels. 

Lower probability of separation for husbands with close Relationships with in-laws

Interestingly, again if we look at the study, which as confirmed that husbands has a close relationship with their in-laws had a 20 percent lower probability of separation than those who reported a relationship that wasn’t as close. 

This could be because men prioritize family and providing for them. By being close with his in-laws, a husband may feel he is providing a safety net for his family if anything were to go wrong. 

Additionally, men may be less likely to interpret their in-laws’ actions as meddling or interference in their role as a spouse and fathers. 

Overall, having a positive relationship with in-laws could potentially strengthen marriage for husbands. 

The Role of Gender in In-Law Relationships

Differences in how men and women view relationships

When it comes to relationships with in-laws, men and women, tend to view them differently. 

On the other hand, women devoting too much time to their husband’s parents may have difficulty setting emotional boundaries. 

Men, however, have a lower probability of separation when they report a close relationship with their in-laws. It’s important to communicate with your spouse about your comfort levels and set healthy boundaries to avoid any unnecessary conflicts. 

Importance of emotional boundaries

Creating boundaries is crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship with your in-laws and spouse. 

As we’ve seen in studies, when a wife devotes too much time to improving her relationship with her in-laws, it can lead to difficulties in setting emotional boundaries and interpreting their actions as meddling. 

This is where communication with your spouse becomes important. You need to discuss your comfort levels and draw the lines beforehand. 

Furthermore, it’s crucial to avoid badmouthing your spouse to your in-laws and let your husband handle issues with his parents. 

Always remember that the goal is to make your marriage the primary relationship, and with the right strategies and healthy boundaries, you can maintain a positive relationship with your in-laws while also strengthening your marriage. 

Guidelines for Creating Healthy Boundaries

Communication with spouse about comfort levels

Being healthy with your spouse is essential when it comes to dealing with in-law relationships. 

Make sure that you openly discuss your comfort levels and expectations with your partner before any issues arise. 

This way, you will both be on the same page and can protect your marriage from unnecessary stress and conflict.

It is also important to let your husband handle issues with his own parents, as this can prevent misunderstandings and preserve your relationship with them. 

Remember to avoid badmouthing your spouse to your in-laws and prioritize your marriage as the primary relationship. 

By following these strategies, you can establish healthy boundaries with your in-laws and keep your marriage strong. 

Let husband handle issues with in-laws

When it comes to dealing with in-laws, it’s important to remember the roles and boundaries within the marriage. 

Often, it’s better for husbands to handle issues with their own parents rather than wives, as it reduces the chances of feeling caught in the middle. 

This doesn’t mean that wives should completely step back from the situation; open communication and discussing comfort levels with your spouse should still occur. 

However, by letting the husband take the lead in addressing any concerns with his parents allows for a united front between the couple and sets clear boundaries with extended family. 

Remember, your spouse comes first and should be prioritized when dealing with family issues. 

Avoid badmouthing spouse to in-laws

It is important to avoid badmouthing your spouse to your in-laws, no matter how frustrated or upset you may be feeling. 

Not only can it damage your relationship with your spouse, but it can also strain your relationship with your in-laws.

Remember that your in-laws are not your therapists, and it’s not their job to listen to complaints or criticisms about your significant other. 

Instead, focus on communicating with your spouse about any issues and finding ways to work through them together. If you need outside support, seek help from a therapist or trusted friend rather than venting to your in-laws. 

By maintaining a positive and respectful attitude towards both your spouse and in-laws, you can help create a healthy dynamic for everyone involved. 

Building Protective Perimeter Around Marriage

Importance of making marriage the primary relationship

One takeaway from the impact of in-laws on marriage is the importance of making the marriage the primary relationship. 

While it’s natural to want to maintain a close relationship with your family, it’s also important to prioritize your spouse and your relationship with them. 

This means setting healthy boundaries and communicating openly with your spouse about any discomfort with your in-laws’ involvement in your lives. 

It also means avoiding badmouthing your spouse to your in-laws and letting your spouse handle issues with their own parents. 

By making your marriage the main focus, you can navigate the challenges of in-law relationships and strengthen your bond with your partner.

Strategies for approaching in-laws

When approaching your in-laws, it’s important to go into the conversation with a positive mindset. Instead of assuming they are out to ruin your relationship, try to see things from their perspective.

Remember that you are all part of the same family and ultimately want what’s best for each other. Be clear about your boundaries and what you are comfortable with, but also be willing to compromise. 

Communication is key – discuss with your spouse about how you both feel and make sure you are on the same page before bringing up any issues with your in-laws. 

And above all, always approach the situation with respect and kindness. 

By setting healthy boundaries and maintaining a positive attitude, you can navigate any challenges that may arise with your in-laws while keeping your relationship with your spouse strong. 


In summary, healthy boundaries are crucial in all relationships, including marriage. 

When it comes to in-laws, establishing boundaries is especially important to maintain a positive and respectful relationship with them. 

Setting boundaries helps prevent conflicts and misunderstandings, and it protects the integrity of the marriage. It’s important to communicate with your spouse about comfort levels and avoid badmouthing each other to your in-laws. 

Making the marriage the primary relationship also helps establish boundaries with in-laws. By approaching in-laws with strategies such as setting limits on communication and involvement, you can maintain healthy boundaries and a positive relationship. 

Remember, healthy boundaries equal healthy relationships. 

 Can In-Laws Ruin A Relationship – FAQ

1. Can toxic in-laws ruin a marriage?

Yes, toxic in-laws can indeed ruin a marriage. If your relationship with your in-laws is unhealthy, it can cause problems between you and your spouse. A toxic mother-in-law can be especially damaging to your relationship if they interfere with your marriage and constantly criticize or overbear your behavior.

2. How can I manage my relationship with my in-laws?

It is important to set boundaries with your in-laws early on in your relationship with them. Be intentional about letting them know what behaviors are hurtful or disrespectful, and don’t be afraid to exclude them from family events or holidays if they are causing tension. Also, make sure your spouse is on the same page when it comes to managing your relationship with your in-laws.

3. Can my in-laws intentionally ruin my relationship with my spouse?

In many cases, no. However, some toxic in-laws may use tactics to try and sabotage your relationship out of jealousy or spite. If you think your in-laws are intentionally trying to ruin your marriage, it’s best to have a conversation with your partner about how to handle the situation.

4. What can I do if my husband doesn’t see that his parents are causing problems in our marriage?

It may be helpful to seek counseling to help you and your husband communicate and work through any issues caused by his parents. It’s important for both partners to acknowledge the problem and work together to address it.

5. How can I improve my relationship with my mother-in-law?

Start by having an open and honest conversation with your mother-in-law about your concerns. Express how her behavior is affecting your relationship with her and with your spouse, and offer suggestions for how to improve the situation. It may also be helpful to find common ground or interests to bond over.

6. How do I deal with overbearing in-laws?

Set clear boundaries with overbearing in-laws and stick to them. Don’t allow them to overstep or control your life and relationship with your spouse. Be polite but firm in your interactions with them.

7. What if my in-laws don’t respect my choice of partner?

It’s important to remember that you can’t please everyone. If your in-laws don’t respect your choice of partner